Our Guestbook

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Christi Goins


My dearest lady Miz Daisy, I watched you enter into the Walgreens with you STRAWBERRY Shortcake hair, and that loving cherub shaped face. We talked, we giggled, we became work buds. I talked with you on many occasions and got the privilege to meet your parents and your sisters/brothers. You have searched THE GALAXY, achieved the Brightest, MOST STUNNING precious unearthly GIFT...... I love you both sooooo much.... Thank you both so kindly for allowing us to TRAVEL MANY MILES with you. Look forward to being a part of this OUT OF THE WORLD experience. Love you the moon and back, Christi Goins


Christine H


Looks like an amazing journey you’ve enjoyed together 🥰 Am looking forward to your wedding day xx


Christi Goins


My dearest lady Miz Daisy, I watched you enter into the Walgreens with you STRAWBERRY Shortcake hair, and that loving cherub shaped face. We talked, we giggled, we became work buds. I talked with you on many occasions and got the privilege to meet your parents and your sisters/brothers. You have searched THE GALAXY, achieved the Brightest, MOST STUNNING precious unearthly GIFT...... I love you both sooooo much.... Thank you both so kindly for allowing us to TRAVEL MANY MILES with you. Look forward to being a part of this OUT OF THE WORLD experience. Love you the moon and back, Christi Goins


Christine H


Looks like an amazing journey you’ve enjoyed together 🥰 Am looking forward to your wedding day xx

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